BlueWater Angels 15th Anniversary Celebration
Refreshments will include heavy hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar.
4:00 p.m. | Arrivals and Networking
4:30 p.m. | Presentation: Best Practices in Angel Investing
5:30 p.m. | Networking Reception
6:15 p.m. | Program: Welcoming Remarks, Founders’ Stories, BlueWater Angels Portfolio Updates
8:00 p.m. | Closing Remarks
Early-stage investing is an important contributor to the regional economy, and BlueWater Angels continues to support the entrepreneurial spirit across the region. Please celebrate with us at Saginaw Valley State University, Curtiss Hall, Seminar Rooms, on Thursday, October 26, 4-8 p.m.
Arrive early and participate in an afternoon session to learn what it takes to be an angel investor. Topics include developing a winning investment strategy, understanding deal terms, and vetting attractive opportunities. Bonus…SVSU’s top business students will be there, too.
Throughout the evening program, you’ll hear updates from BlueWater portfolio companies and how they’re growing their ventures today. You’ll meet some of the founding angels and get the inside story on launching the group in 2008, growing it to 50 members, and joining the Michigan Capital Network Association in 2021.
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with old friends and meet new ones.